
Memberships represent the relationship between user and organization like members.

Find Organization By UserID

GET "<user_id>/memberships/?expand=organization"

Attribute Type Parameter Required Description
user_id str path Yes User UUID
limit int query No Number of results to return per page.
offset int query No The initial index from which to return the results.
expand str query No Expand the field to its fully serialised counterpart. If available, multiple fields can be expanded.

Example Request

curl --location '' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKX1QwLWDhbDciOiJAUzI1NiJ9...'

Example Response

    "count": 1,
    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
                    "id": "b568feca-f8ad-11ed-be56-0242ac120002",
                    "name": "Example Organization & Co.",
                    "azure_profile": null,
                    "owner": "321c5b21-6124-450d-s233-7e5fb2e14367",
                    "roles": null

Find Membership Role

GET "<user_id>/memberships/<organization_id>/?expand=organization"

Attribute Type Parameter Required Description
user_id str path Yes User UUID
organization_id str query Yes Organization UUID
expand str query No Expand the field to its fully serialised counterpart. If available, multiple fields can be expanded.

Example Request

curl --location '' \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKX1QwLWDhbDciOiJAUzI1NiJ9...'

Example Response

            "id": "b568feca-f8ad-11ed-be56-0242ac120002",
            "name": "Example Organization & Co.",
            "azure_profile": null,
            "owner": "321c5b21-6124-450d-s233-7e5fb2e14367",
            "roles": null