Pull Printing Release Workflow for Trusted User App
This article describes the ezeep Pull Print job release process for apps that run on user devices (e.g. mobile phones), i.e. the user authenticates himself on the app that gets some access key along with a refresh token for long-time use (“save password”). These tokens must be stored by the app in a secure location. More about Authorization workflow can be found at Authorization
After printing a document to the “Anyprinter” printer, that creates a printjob in the ezeep Blue backend but does not print it out. The stored Pull Print job can be rendered and thus printed out by calling a print request with the job id of the document and the id of the printer. This document describes the requests needed for that.
Base URLs
Get User’s Print Jobs
Requests the list of pull printing jobs ready to print.
GET "https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/printjobs/?o=<order criteria>&limit=<maximum count of returned printjobs>&offset=<start in the printjob list>&status=<state of the print job>"
Supported Attributes:
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | Header | Yes | Bearer {{Access Token}} |
o | string | No | Which field to use when ordering the results. “created” returns the print jobs ordered by the creation date. A leading “-“ orders the result descending. |
limit | integer | No | Number of results to return per page. The default and maximum value is 100. |
offset | integer | No | The initial index from which to return the results. |
status | string | No | Returns only printjobs in the given state. Possible values: INQUEUE, DONE, EXPIRED, ERROR. Has to be set to “INQUEUE” to return the pull printing jobs ready to print. |
If successfull, returns a 2xx HTTP status code and a list of print jobs matching the request attributes and having the following response attributes:
Section | Attribute | Type | Description |
root |
count |
integer | absolute count of printjobs on the server matching the request attributes |
results |
id |
string | identifier of the printjob (UUID) |
results |
file_name |
string | Name of the rendered printjob file on the server. maxLength: 255, minLength: 1 |
results |
display_name |
string | Name of the original uploaded file. maxLength: 255, minLength: 1 |
results |
status |
string | Status of the print job. Enum: [ INQUEUE, DONE, EXPIRED, ERROR ] |
results |
file_size_bytes |
integer | Size of the file in bytes |
results |
last_updated |
string | Datetime in UTC. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS’Z’ |
results |
created |
string | Datetime in UTC. Format: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSS’Z’ |
Example Request:
curl -X Get "https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/printjobs/?o=-created&limit=100&offset=0&status=INQUEUE"
--header "Authorization:Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhb...."
Example Response: In this case, all pull printing jobs ready for release.
"count": 1,
"results": [
"id": "4e7f75fa-26b9-49de-b896-010df92ae84f",
"file_name": "4c733493-dce3-4e21-89ca-47534bac36d2_54e3a324-cc89-4722-8338-c285d26bef15_40c03a9c-297f-47b7-a0ad-c1359a8fa017",
"display_name": "IMG-20221016-WA0011(3).jpg",
"status": "INQUEUE",
"file_size_bytes": 638022,
"last_updated": "2023-01-09T10:57:52.456956Z",
"created": "2023-01-09T10:57:52.456909Z"
Get User Information
Requests the printing abilities of the authenticated user. The app must not work unless pull_printing_enabled
is set to true
and must not provide WiFi/local LAN print functionality (print stream is route via the Pull Print app) unless
is set to true
GET "https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/users/me/"
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | Header | Yes | Bearer {{Access Token}} |
Example Request:
curl -X Get "https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/users/me/" \
--header "Authorization:Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhb...."
Example Response:
The response contains information about the authorized services and group membership of the authenticated user.
Attribute | Type | Description |
id |
string | identifier of the user (UUID) |
local_printing_enabled |
bool | Local printing enabled |
self_service_enabled |
bool | Self service enabled |
myprinters_enabled |
bool | Myprinters enabled |
pull_printing_enabled |
bool | Pull printing enabled |
print_later_enabled |
bool | Print later enabled |
groups |
array | Array of strings with the group Ids (UUID) the user belongs to |
Delete Print Jobs
Delete a pull printing job.
DELETE "https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/printjobs/<print job id>/"
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | Header | Yes | Bearer {{Access Token}} |
Example Request:
curl -X Delete "https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/printjobs/4e7f75fa-26b9-49de-b896-010df92ae84f/" \
--header "Authorization:Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhb...."
Print Pull Printing Jobs
Prints a pull printing job. The print out is started by passing the fileid and the printerid to the printapi server. For additional information about this request see the Print API reference
POST "https://printapi.ezeep.com/sfapi/Print"
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Authorization | Header | Yes | Bearer {{Access Token}} |
Content-Type | Header | Yes | “application/json” |
fileid | string | Yes | The file_name returned in the printjob request. See Get print jobs. |
printerid | string | Yes | Id of the printer. |
printanddelete | bool | No | If true the uploaded document will be deleted after printing. If false the uploaded document remains on the server. Default is false. |
Example Request:
curl -X POST "https://printapi.ezeep.com/sfapi/Print" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
--data '{