Writing an ezeep integration

  • Create a group
  • Read a specific group by id
  • Read all group
  • Delete a group
  • Read all users
  • Read users from a specific group
  • Read a specific user by id
  • Add users into the group

Getting an access token using OAuth2s client credentials grant:

Check the RFC spec for a detailed flow description.

  1. Request authorization code. To do that, you should redirect the user to the /oauth/authorize page with the following query parameters:
  1. Returns an authorization code as a URL parameter to the redirect URI
  • <your redirect_uri>/?code=<authorization_code>
  • The Authorization_code is valid indefinitely but can only be used once

Required query parameters:

Attribute required description
response_type yes defines the OAuth2 grant, code is preferred as authorization grant
client_id yes the Client ID you received from ezeep
redirect_uri yes Must match one of the redirect URIs you provided when you requested your Client ID
social no azure to automatically redirect to Microsoft for authentication
prompt no none to prevent Microsoft from showing the account selection prompt
scope no printing
state no can be used to maintain state after redirecting the user agent

Request access token

Now that you have an Authorization Code, you must exchange it for tokens. Using the extracted Authorization Code (code) from the previous step.

POST 'https://account.ezeep.com/oauth/access_token'
Type Key Value
Header Authorization Basic {{base_64_encoded_client_id}}
Data grant_type authorization_code
Data scope printing
Data code {{authorization_code}}
Data redirect_uri registered redirect_uri

Example Request

curl  -X POST 'https://account.ezeep.com/oauth/access_token/' \
      --header "Authorization: Basic NzhLWXplWDV3UzhyMEZZejlLZHZOdDl4SE1SQTYxUEpLODBJSHdOajo=" \
      --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
      --data "grant_type=authorization_code" \
      --data "scope=printing" \
      --data "code=<authorization_code>" \
      --data-urlencode "redirect_uri=<registered redirect_uri>"

Example Response

  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiO...",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "scope": "printing",
  "refresh_token": "erliDdAb..."

Access_token will be valid for 3600 seconds(1 hour) and after that duration you have to request new access token using the refresh token that you received in the access token response.

Use refresh token

You can use the Refresh Token to get a new Access Token. Usually, a user will need a new Access Token only after the previous one expires or when gaining access to a new resource for the first time. It’s bad practice to call the endpoint to get a new Access Token every time you call an API.

To refresh your token, make a POST request to the /oauth/token endpoint in the Authentication API, using grant_type=refresh_token

curl -X POST 'https://account.ezeep.com/oauth/access_token/'
Type Key Value
Header Authorization Basic {{base_64_encoded_client_id}}
Header Content-Type application/x-www-from-urlencoded
Data grant_type refresh_token
Data scope printing
Data refresh_token {{refresh_token}}

Example request:

curl -X POST 'https://account.ezeep.com/oauth/access_token/' \
     --header "Authorization: Basic NzhLWXplWDV3UzhyMEZZejlLZHZOdDl4SE1SQTYxUEpLODBJSHdOajo=" \
     --data '{
              "grant_type": "refresh_token",
              "scope": "printing",
              "refresh_token": "<refresh_token>"

Example Response

  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJ...",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "scope": "",
  "refresh_token": "vT5GTKk8..."

``refresh_token` You can use the refresh token once to generate a new access token and refresh token,it will also valid for 3600 seconds(1 hour).

You will need to replace and store the new refresh token securely from the response for future usage.


Base Url



  • Authorization

1. access token

For authorization you need access token.Please refer to oauth documentation for getting access token.

create a group

to create a group required data is name and organization_id as mentiond in parameters.

  • In example requests only required data is used but you can also use other data according to your requirements.

POST 'https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/groups/'
Type Key Value
Header Authorization Bearer {{Access Token}}
Data name string
Data organization_id string($uuid)

Example Request

curl  -X POST 'https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/groups/' \
      --header "Authorization:Bearer <Access Token>" \
      --data '{
                "name": "test",
                "organization_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afsd"

Example Response

  "id": "d16eeaa2-97ba-464a-b12a-f0ed66cc6078",
  "name": "Test",
  "description": "",
  "local_printing_enabled": false,
  "myprinters_enabled": false,
  "origin": { "provider": "Ezeep" },
  "organization_id": "54e3a324-cc89-4722-8338-c285d26bef15",
  "num_members": 0,
  "num_printers": 0

read a specific group by id

Each group get a specific id ,if you know the id of the group then associated group will be in response.

  • Also not necessary to pass anything in the data because group will be searched by id

GET 'https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/groups/<id>'
Type Key Value
Header Authorization Bearer {{Access Token}}

Example Request

curl  -X GET 'https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/groups/dd8d4007-2522-42ab-ac2e-bf23d87defc3' \
      --header "Authorization:Bearer <Access Token>" \

Example Response

  "id": "dd8d4007-2522-42ab-ac2e-bf23d87defc3",
  "name": "Test",
  "description": "",
  "local_printing_enabled": false,
  "myprinters_enabled": false,
  "origin": { "provider": "Ezeep" },
  "organization_id": "54e3a324-cc89-4722-8338-c285d26bef15",
  "num_members": 0,
  "num_printers": 0

read all groups

All of the existing groups can be listed,in case you dont remeber the specific group id .

  • Also not necessary to pass anything in the data because all of the groups will be listed

GET 'https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/groups/'
Type Key Value
Header Authorization Bearer {{Access Token}}

Example Request

curl  -X GET 'https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/groups/' \
      --header "Authorization:Bearer <Access Token>" \

Example Response

            "name":"WVD Printers","description":"","local_printing_enabled":true,"myprinters_enabled":false,"origin":{"provider":"Azure","foreign_id":"9cb21a02-7985-47b5-82c0-d656e3830cc4"},"organization_id":"54e3a324-cc89-4722-8338-c285d26bef15","num_members":8,"num_printers":0},{"id":"9e05c98e-77b0-4915-8143-0dfc77a54d65","name":"ezeep Blue","description":"","local_printing_enabled":true,"myprinters_enabled":false,"origin":{"provider":"Azure","foreign_id":"3f3aa500-8d21-44a6-98c7-e14e407c482c"},"organization_id":"54e3a324-cc89-4722-8338-c285d26bef15","num_members":54,"num_printers":0},
            {"id":"19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb","name":"EfA Printer","description":"","local_printing_enabled":true,"myprinters_enabled":false,"origin":{"provider":"Azure","foreign_id":"a7c28afe-251f-46cd-9bf8-30432df6d416"},"organization_id":"54e3a324-cc89-4722-8338-c285d26bef15","num_members":119,"num_printers":5},{"id":"dd8d4007-2522-42ab-ac2e-bf23d87defc3","name":"Test","description":"","local_printing_enabled":false,"myprinters_enabled":false,"origin":{"provider":"Ezeep"},"organization_id":"54e3a324-cc89-4722-8338-c285d26bef15","num_members":0,"num_printers":0}]


delete a group

Each group get a specific id ,user can delete that specific group by using this id

  • Also not necessary to pass anything in the data because group will be searched by id

GET 'https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/groups/<id>'
Type Key Value
Header Authorization Bearer {{Access Token}}

Example Request

curl  -X DELETE 'https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/groups/d16eeaa2-97ba-464a-b12a-f0ed66cc6078' \
      --header "Authorization:Bearer <Access Token>" \

Example Response


read a users

To read about all of the users information and from which group user belong. All information for a specific user can be read and check which settings are enabled for a specific user.

  • Also not necessary to pass anything in the data because group will be searched by id

GET 'https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/users/'
Type Key Value
Header Authorization Bearer {{Access Token}}

Example Request

curl  -X GET "https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/users/" \
      --header "Authorization:Bearer <Access Token>" \

Example Response

  "count": 134,
  "next": "http://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/users/?limit=20&offset=20",
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "id": "0050a068-cc7b-4490-951a-06920a610ee5",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [{ "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }]
      "id": "0545f81c-0eca-4c24-b4c1-fe7fcdb1b4fb",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [
        { "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" },
        { "group_id": "9e05c98e-77b0-4915-8143-0dfc77a54d65" }
      "id": "063f87e3-5254-443a-a65e-8239ede3fbc6",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [
        { "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" },
        { "group_id": "9e05c98e-77b0-4915-8143-0dfc77a54d65" }
      "id": "06d402a2-bf6a-426a-a489-62a0027a6a18",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [
        { "group_id": "9e05c98e-77b0-4915-8143-0dfc77a54d65" },
        { "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }
      "id": "073ccebb-ff38-4e46-ac6e-7a07b4d03906",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [{ "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }]
      "id": "08083be9-75f7-4658-8832-32e2280cbdd7",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [{ "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }]
      "id": "0810f57c-6ce6-4ef0-badc-dcd121576b84",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [{ "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }]
      "id": "084d7404-efe3-4df6-853e-0727610c262e",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [
        { "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" },
        { "group_id": "9e05c98e-77b0-4915-8143-0dfc77a54d65" }
      "id": "0a9bc9fc-778a-46c6-8a3c-805d38acdf96",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [
        { "group_id": "6e936a85-24fe-4d69-9b0c-505918b2a179" },
        { "group_id": "ee6bc9ca-b4c8-4141-b6f7-a776e43a76d9" },
        { "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }
      "id": "0bc65240-322b-411f-b417-51493db1fae4",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [{ "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }]
      "id": "0e971e4f-250f-455b-bdfa-94d98c6a265b",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [{ "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }]
      "id": "11976bee-41e5-4dc0-af9a-b6e41066b7bf",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [{ "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }]
      "id": "1415e537-feef-44a5-a2a3-7d969d9614f9",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [{ "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }]
      "id": "1515cee3-2216-4da4-89ab-808e598cc0f2",
      "local_printing_enabled": false,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": []
      "id": "17b582c2-e85e-415f-8543-b1d6bc1b0e0b",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [
        { "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" },
        { "group_id": "9e05c98e-77b0-4915-8143-0dfc77a54d65" }
      "id": "1bc49eee-b955-4aa1-9b30-7dca85d9d003",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [{ "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }]
      "id": "1be0e1eb-7946-4c95-9d7d-f18f3400cb64",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [
        { "group_id": "94bfe7e4-8886-4e98-904c-203d323ebb21" },
        { "group_id": "d9219223-5856-45c1-8f94-e8e889f5e711" },
        { "group_id": "7d115501-a16f-493c-9130-8372bcc642fd" },
        { "group_id": "e2a4a00d-32ba-4f60-a1e2-3feae9ed0cb0" },
        { "group_id": "9e05c98e-77b0-4915-8143-0dfc77a54d65" },
        { "group_id": "658a1b3b-173c-4f55-8150-42e16bd27f96" }
      "id": "1dade49c-d960-4ddd-a55b-864bcce8dae1",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [
        { "group_id": "ee6bc9ca-b4c8-4141-b6f7-a776e43a76d9" },
        { "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }
      "id": "1dffceb4-aef9-4899-ad78-07e2d6496651",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [
        { "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" },
        { "group_id": "9e05c98e-77b0-4915-8143-0dfc77a54d65" }
      "id": "2240b921-964c-4e79-a6e6-144a7a89b944",
      "local_printing_enabled": true,
      "self_service_enabled": true,
      "myprinters_enabled": false,
      "groups": [
        { "group_id": "ee6bc9ca-b4c8-4141-b6f7-a776e43a76d9" },
        { "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }

Read users from a specific group

To read all users from a specific group

  • Also not necessary to pass anything in the data because group will be searched by id

GET 'https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/users'
Type Key Value
Header Authorization Bearer {{Access Token}}
Data Groups [{group_id : }]

Example Request

curl  -X GET 'https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/users' \
      --header "Authorization:Bearer <Access Token>" \
      --data '{
                "groups" :[{ "group_id": "8228b289-2926-4813-8267-c61c767e55f0" }]

Example Response



read a specific user by id

Each user have his own id ,which is associated to the specific group. User can be a part of more than one group.

  • Also not necessary to pass anything in the data because group will be searched by id

GET 'https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/users/<id>'
Type Key Value
Header Authorization Bearer {{Access Token}}

Example Request

curl  -X GET 'https://api2.ezeep.com/printing/v1/users/0050a068-cc7b-4490-951a-06920a610ee5' \
      --header "Authorization:Bearer <Access Token>" \

Example Response

  "id": "0050a068-cc7b-4490-951a-06920a610ee5",
  "local_printing_enabled": true,
  "self_service_enabled": true,
  "myprinters_enabled": false,
  "groups": [{ "group_id": "19b5963a-35eb-416c-9ca4-a4c2950385fb" }]

Add users into the group