REST API Resources


To get access to the API, given client credential can be used for authorization.

Client_ID : “78KYzeX5wS8r0FYz9KdvNt9xHMRA61PJK80IHwNj”

Redirect_URI : 1. “” 2.”http://localhost:3000/code”

We use the OAuth2 client credentials grant to let clients authorize against a set of protected resources (e.g., organizations) that are under control of your client.

You must ensure client credentials are kept secret and not used by an application that is incapable of maintaining their confidentiality.

More information can be found in the OAuth2 RFC 6749.

Base URL

Project Resources

Resource Available endpoints
Connectors /printing/v1/connectors/
Drivers /printing/v1/drivers/
Groups /printing/v1/groups/
Users /printing/v1/users/
Printers /printing/v1/assignments/

Connectors Resources

Resource Available endpoints
Types of Printer Connectors Available /printing/v1/filter_values/connector/
List out all the Printer connectors /printing/v1/connectors
Get Printer Connectors configuration for ezeep Hub /printing/v1/connectors/?type=TPHub
List out all printer connected with that Printer Connector{id} /printing/v1/printers/?connector_id=

Drivers Resources

Resource Available endpoints
Get all vendor lists /printing/v1/drivers/vendors/
Get available drivers from specific vendor /printing/v1/drivers/?vendor=
Add driver into the printers /printing/v1/printers//

Groups Resources

Resource Available endpoints
Create a group /printing/v1/groups/
Get all group /printing/v1/groups/
Get a specific group /printing/v1/groups/
update group information /printing/v1/groups//
Delete a group /printing/v1/groups//
Add user into the groups /printing/v1/users//
Remove user from a group /printing/v1/users//
Get total register groups with a user /printing/v1/users/

Users Resources

Resource Available endpoints
Get all users details /printing/v1/users
Get details of a specific user /printing/v1/users/
Invite a user /printing/v1/users/userinvitations/
Get total invitation send requests /printing/v1/users/userinvitations
udpate information of a user /printing/v1/users//
Resent Invitation to a user /printing/v1/userinvitations//

Printer Resources

Resource Available endpoints
Get all available printer /printing/v1/assignments
Get printer connected with a specific group /printing/v1/assignments/?group=
Add printers into a group /printing/v1/assignments//
Remove a printer from a group /printing/v1/assignments//
Get the printers associated to user /printing/v1/assignments/?group=


The following describes the procedure of using the ezeep REST API to create an organization, activate an azure connection, import azure groups to ezeep to allow printing, and eventually delete the organization.

Sequence diagram